How to Increase Website Or Blog Rank
I recently created a post dedicated to bringing up my search rank and that post had no really value to the reader in my opinion. So in the post I’ll be explaining why…
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization
SEO refers to techniques used to get a higher ranking in search engines usually involving placement of keywords.
Black hat SEO: techniques that take advantage of search engine ranking algorithms to give you a higher rank than you deserve.
- Aggressive SEO Content
Most commonly by over using keywords in side content to the point it is unreadable by a human too fool search engines bots that this page is filled with valuable content.
- My Aggressive Post
I created a post about 2 weeks ago specifically for SEO purposes. I know
it is a little malicious but I really wanted to attract people to my
blog which sort of happened.
- Creating My SEO Post
Creating a SEO post is not easy especially if you want it to still be readable and make sense. To start creating my post I had figure out what keyword/phase I want to focus on. I used the Google keyword tool to find what people were searching for with low competition and related to my blog in some way.
I picked the keyword phase “how do I get emails?” thinking I would write something how much emails I get. When writing my post I had to keep looking for places to add my keyword phase without it sounding really repetitive. Of Course I also had to follow the other basic content rules for SEO meaning I need 300+ words, an Image with my keyword below, META description tags and my keyword in the title.
The Benefits from My Post
The picture below shows how many clicks and views I got on my website form Google search results.
- The Benefits from My Post
The picture below shows how many clicks and views I got on my website form Google search results.
The benefits from my aggressive SEO are not quite what I was hoping for but a step in the right direction. My visibility in search result nearly tripled but I didn’t receive any more traffic than before the post.
- Other Black Hat SEO Techniques
What I think is the most effect of Black Hat SEO technique is what I would call “backlink spamming” where a link to your website is spammed in comments and on forums because more backlinks you have the more popular Google thinks you are and ranks you according. But I do not partake in “backlink spamming” because it really annoying and gives your website a bad name and if Google catches you doing it your website could get blacklisted of Google which would ruin your SEO.
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