Stronghold Crusader For PC With Cheats Codes
However, players who are new to Stronghold's economic model, which
actually folds elegantly into its combat model without upstaging it,
will likely want to start out by playing with the castle-builder option.
This is a sandbox mode that, like in the original game, lets you learn
the unique features of Crusader's new desert maps without having to
worry about fielding an army to defend against attacks.
But the centerpiece of the single-player game is the "crusader trail,"
which presents a series of 50 battles, each more difficult than the
last. As you play, your performance determines the ongoing date, which
serves as your score. You can go backward to replay old missions, and if
you do better, the date will roll back. Although this doesn't have much
impact on the actual missions, it's an interesting alternative to
tracking a score based on points.
Farmland is hard to come by in the desert.
Unlike the missions in Stronghold's military campaign, most of the
missions in the crusader trail let you build you own castle. This makes
it more like a series of skirmishes than the original game's linear
sequence of canned scenarios with prebuilt castles. The crusader trail
missions do a good job of incorporating specific units and strategies,
and you will gradually improve your skills as it ramps up the difficulty
level. In addition to a basic tutorial, there are four historical
campaigns, in which each chapter highlights specific game elements, such
as which units are best suited for which purposes, how to manage your
taxes, and the differences between various crops. Each mission in these
campaigns is like a puzzle with a historical context, which, once
solved, will teach you to play better. Stronghold: Crusader has numerous
options to introduce new players to the game as well as plenty of
challenges for veterans of the original Stronghold.
Stronghold: Crusader makes some important changes to the dynamics of the
original game. Most significant is the addition of seven new Arabian
mercenary units, some fairly redundant (Arabian bows are just weaker
archers), some potentially overpowered (the horse archers are a potent
combination of speed and ranged attack), and some adding unique game
dynamics (assassins can secretly open gate towers to let your units into
an enemy's castle). The new units are all hired from the mercenary
camp, which can be built cheaply as soon as you start building your
castle. To recruit them, you don't have to harvest resources, construct
weapons, and accumulate an arsenal in your armory, like you have to with
their European counterparts. Instead, just fork over some gold, and
these new Arabian units will show up.
The fact that military units come into play much more quickly in
Stronghold: Crusader than they did in the original game has a dramatic
effect on gameplay. Because the marketplace can quickly give you gold,
which can now quickly give you an army, it's an important military
building. If you're attacked, you can convert your goods to gold and
hire instant defenders. To get down to conquering, there's no immediate
need for iron, leather, wood, tanners, blacksmiths, or pole turners.
Arabian mercenaries bring combat into play sooner.
To be fair, mercenaries aren't as powerful as the traditional military
units, but they definitely change the way Stronghold is played. Some of
the scenarios can be easily beaten by simply selling off your starting
goods, using the gold to hire mercenaries, and then rushing the AI. Of
course, this also means you'll be attacked much earlier in a scenario.
There's nothing quite so annoying as watching a mob of cheap slaves
torching your outlying farms before you can marshal your defenses.
The end result is that Stronghold: Crusader plays much more like a
traditional combat-oriented real-time strategy game than its
There are some other differences between Stronghold: Crusader and the
previous game that may seem subtle at first. For instance, religion and
ale have more impact on your people's happiness in Stronghold: Crusader.
Religion cost too much gold and ale required too many steps in the
resource chain to be really useful in the original game. But in
Stronghold: Crusader, they have a more powerful benefit--they are
effective ways to offset high taxes, food shortages, and crowding. Even
better, you can improve efficiency by adorning your castle with more
"bad things," like gallows and dungeons, while serving up religion and
ale to counter the happiness penalties. Although these may seem like
minor tweaks, they do a good job of adding more choices to how you play.
After fighting Stronghold's European warlords (who make a return
appearance in Crusader), it's nice to get out and see the world. The
desert terrain and buildings look great, breathing a lot of new life
into the game's detailed 2D engine. The new music is rousing and
distinctive, and it's always a thrill to hear the war cry when you
mass-select a group of soldiers and give them attack orders. Visually
and aurally, Stronghold: Crusader certainly does justice to its subject
The Middle Eastern setting allows for a new architectural look and
terrain set, but unlike the changes to the architecture, the changes to
the terrain aren't simply cosmetic. Because you can't build farms in the
desert, the patches of fertile land on some maps are important
strategic points. This also makes Crusader play like a more conventional
RTS, since this can take the focus off the castles themselves. Now each
side has to secure fertile land to maintain a food supply in these
barren environments.
Use more brutality with new religion and ale bonuses.
Stronghold: Crusader's interface still has some of the same problems
that the first game had. The building tabs are still haphazardly
arranged at the bottom of the screen. There's no way to jump to the
subject of important messages such as "We're under attack!" Stronghold
could use more tooltips, range indicators for missile units, and a few
more hotkeys to keep you from having to wade through your castles and
armies to get where you need to go. Because there are no effective unit
formations, the tactical AI still requires a fair amount of
micromanagement to mount a successful siege, and computer opponents
still seem fond of sending units in a steady trickle rather than
amassing effective assaults.
But other than these minor problems, Stronghold: Crusader is a marked
improvement over the previous game. Considering its new campaign
options, more-satisfying single-player missions, and tweaked gameplay,
it's a safe bet that fans of the original game will have even more fun
storming the castle.
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